Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dirty Love

Down in Okie, I developed a strong love for Dirty Martini's. However it has to be made with Belvidere Vodka, and it has to be EXTRA DIRTY. I drank these nightly down there, and now that I have been back for almost a week, I was craving one of these last night.

Fortunately Jim could not make movie night, so we were forced to run to the Video Store, and while the guys went there, Tam and I went to the ol' Liquor Store to get supplies. I found that Tam is pretty hard core with her martini's while I on the other hand enjoyed my Dirty peacefully. What a lovely night: Ocean's Eleven + Dirty


knochie said...

I will have to say Ocean's Eleven and martinis are a great combination. I realized that I really like to look at Brad Pitt in Ocean's Eleven. Pretty hot. Oh well. Fun times.

Pamela Ver Haag said...

I have to agree that Brad is SUPER HOT in Ocean's Eleven......